Friday, July 1, 2011


Today is our 22nd wedding anniversary.  It marks a big milestone in my life:  I've now been married for more than half my life.  It comes as a bit of a shock, since it just doesn't seem that long ago that I was walking down the aisle, saying my vows, enjoying a casual outdoor reception that included a pig roast, and then heading off to Barbados for a honeymoon.  Even as I think back to July1, 1989, a part of me says, it wasn't that long ago, but then the reality hits that I'm the mother of a 16-year-old (and two others), and that brings it all into perspective.

Marriage is quite frequently perceived as a trial to endure.  The idea of I've been married xx number of years, a few of them good seems pretty pervasive, and I think it's a shame.  I won't pretend that every single day of the last 22 years has been absolutely perfect (let's be honest:  when you live with someone day in and day out, they get on your nerves once in awhile).  I am, however, realistic enough to know that not every day can be the best day of my life, and I can honestly say that I'm glad I've spent the last 22 years married to Baird.  We are both better people because we met, fell in love, got married, and have stayed together.  I love his sense of humor - he still makes me laugh after all this time, and regularly makes Drew laugh so hard he falls out of his chair at the dinner table.  I'm so glad he introduced me to jazz music, and I love that jazz is also something he and Kelsey have bonded over.  I'm thrilled that he introduced our family to outdoor camping trips, enabling Erin's friends to endow her with the nickname "Ranger Erin."

We celebrated our special day at a fabulous new restaurant, Autre Monde.  While we were waiting for our pasta course to be served (it was Tortellacci with goat cheese, black truffle and brown butter, and wow, was it good!), we started talking about how we've celebrated our various anniversaries.  Here are the highlights:

1st:  The Four Seasons Hotel in Chicago, with dinner at Spiagga
5th:  Minneapolis.  I was pregnant with Kelsey.  Just before we reached our hotel, we were in a car accident. Baird broke 3 ribs.
10th:  I was in Cameroon, West Africa.  I was able to email Baird's pager with an anniversary message
15th:  Bed and Breakfast in Saugatuck, Michigan
20th:  New Orleans

I'm looking forward to many more anniversaries to come!

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