The spring sports activities are in full swing, which means I've been spending a lot of time driving the kids to practices and games.
3 kids x 2 sports each + (tons of rain) = one trashed minivan.
I didn't realize how bad my ride had been "Mommed" until I ventured past the driver's seat to the back bench seat to look for an umbrella. I couldn't believe the absolute mess that has been lurking just behind me while I make endless runs up and down Ridgeland Avenue! I decided that no matter how cold it was, the mess had to get cleaned up today. While the kids weren't thrilled, they did help with the clean up. Here's a partial listing of what we unearthed as we cleaned out the minivan:
1 sippy cup containing leftover smoothie from who knows when
2 Happy Meal toys
3 stray gloves
4 collapsible chairs for viewing games
5 misc. pieces of paper (driving directions, Sunday School handouts, old homework pages, etc.)
6 crushed Ritz Bitz
7 empty water bottles
8 sweatshirts/hoodies/long sleeve shirts (I wondered where all the warm clothes had gone!)
Here's another equasion:
(1 determined mom + 3 effective threats of grounding) x (3 reluctant helpers + 20 minutes of work) = clean minivan + happy mom
Who says math is hard?!
Japan :: Day 03
2 hours ago
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