Saturday, August 15, 2009


We spent most of the afternoon hanging out at the lake. There's this thing called "The Blob" that provided endless hours of entertainment. One person crawls out to the end, and a bigger person jumps on the opposite side, launching the first person out into the lake.
Here's what it looked like when Baird launched Drew:
Drew's not a gymnist and had no idea how to right himself in midair so he could make a soft landing into the water. He hit eyeball first and was pretty shaken up. I was in the lake, watching from the other side of the blob, so I got to him pretty quickly. The lifeguard on duty jumped in and brought Drew out of the water to be sure he was ok. Drew spent about 20 minutes in the life guard station, catching his breath and getting checked out. Then he was back at it, but chose a more gentle approach.

When Miss Megan launched Drew, the launch and landing were both much less traumatic.

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