Thursday, August 6, 2009

Vacation Begins!

When I was very young, it was a special treat to go to the local Dog 'n Suds. You drove up to a spot, ordered from your car, and a waitress on roller skates brought your food to you. She hung a tray on your partially rolled-down window, and food would be dispensed. I don't really remember how the food tasted, but the root beer they served in frosty mugs still brings a smile to my face.
Dog 'N Suds are few and far between now, but Baird found one in central Illinois, and was willing to drive an hour out of our way so I could enjoy a taste from my childhood.
You can still order from your car, but the waitress isn't on roller skates anymore, and they don't hang the trays on your window.
The food is awful; the root beer is even better than I remembered!
Erin's always had a way with living creatures - both humans and animals seem naturally drawn to her. Tonight she enticed a luna moth to hang out with her for over an hour. It was initially drawn to the light of our lantern, but she was able to coax it onto her finger, and then keep it entranced with the light of a flashlight. Such a special treat, since it's an endangered species. This is one of the reasons we love camping so much - getting up close and personal with nature.

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