Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Makin' a List

Erin's always been an extraordinarily organized person.  The most recent proof of this is in the list she left for me this morning.  She had a busy day planned:  dog walking for a friend who's on vacation; helping a former teacher set up her classroom; Strikers boot camp; back-to-school shopping.  She left me a note this morning with detailed instructions on how she needed me to pack up her gear bag for boot camp.  Here's what it said:

1.  Please take the 4 water bottles from the freezer and add cold water to them.
2.  Please take the 2 water bottles from the fridge and add ice to them (lots please)
3.  Please go down to the downstairs cooler and on the top shelf you'll find two containers side-by-side each other (filled w/ ice and wash cloths), please take those out and bring them upstairs.
4.  Onc all of those steps are done, pleaes put the two containers holding ice and wash cloths into a grocery bag (please tie) and then into my bag right side up.  After that, please put the water bottles into the empty compartment on the side of my bag but please not in my bag.  There are also cupholders on the side of my bag.  If all do not fit, you can just put them in a plastic bag and bring them out to the car.
Everything else is in my bag and ready to go!

Once I followed all the instructions and checked the list twice, here's the collection I added to her backpack.

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