Wednesday, January 27, 2010


YES! The sun made an appearance today...for all of two hours before it clouded up and started snowing. But it's ok, the obsession is over. And it was an obsession. I had started reworking Romeo & Juliet:

Oh Sunshine! Sunshine!
Wherefore art thou, Sunshine?
You've denied Oak Park
And refused to shine...

Yea, it's been that bad. But it's over now. I saw the sun, and I have the promise that there'll be more tomorrow and the next day before we "go dark" for awhile again. Spring is officially less than 60 days away and I saw sun today. Hope springs eternal.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tee.

    The SON will shine. Hold onto that hope. KNOW that the cold winter makes for a wonedful spring!!

    love you much.

