Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Making Good on a Threat

Early this summer, the Village of Oak Park sent us a letter saying that Fillmore Street outside our house was scheduled for major construction.  When I read the notice I groaned a bit.  Even tho Fillmore Street between Gunderson and Scoville is clearly in desperate need of repair, it's one of my major east/west routes.  The idea of this stretch of pavement being off limits to me, at a time when the Ike is also under construction and the Roosevelt Road streetscape project is pending...well, it's all just a bit much in my opinion.

For awhile I kept my eyes peeled, assuming that some morning over the summer I'd pull out the big blue whale from the garage, attempt to head west down Fillmore, and find myself stymied by the Fillmore resurfacing project.  It never happened.  Eventually I forgot about the notice and assumed the project had been put on hold because of the summer construction strike.

Toward the end of last month, a crew dropped off construction signs on our parkway.  I was reminded again of the threat of my major route being interrupted.  And once again, the signs just sat there, with no movement whatsoever.  It got to the point where I barely even noticed the signs anymore.

Well, bright and early this morning, I was sipping my coffee in the living room.  My quiet suburban morning was interrupted with sounds so loud my house shook.  Guess what?  The Village finally made good on its threat to fix Fillmore.  Construction started today.

Part of that construction project includes tearing up the sidewalk on our corner.  Oh, goodie.  This is the exact same sidewalk where, just a few months ago, the Village of Oak Park spent money to put down directions showing us how to get to Irving School.  I'm just going to leave it all right there, before I start ranting again.

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