Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Irving School Part 3: Organized Chaos

Today was the annual Egg Drop and Academic Fair at Irving School.  For the past several years, I've helped chaperone the organized chaos that is the preparation for the Egg Drop.  Right after lunch the third, fourth and fifth graders converged on the third floor of the school to put the finishing touches on their Egg Drop projects.  My job was to stand at the top of the stairs and keep the crowd at bay until it was time for the students to drop their egg out of the third story window.
I spent a few moments chatting with each of the kids who participated in the Egg Drop.  I was impressed not only with the creativity these students used in planning their projects, but also with how articulate they were in describing their project to me.  These kids are smart, confident problem solvers who aren't afraid to talk to adults.  It's really exciting to watch them grow!

After the Egg Drop was over, I helped chaperone the afternoon portion of the Academic Fair.  There were exhibits on a variety of topics, from chewing gum to World Cup to what killed Michael Jackson.  My favorite exchange with a student went like this:

Me:  Your project is on the universe expanding. How do you know it's expanding?

Student: I read it in a book.

I love Irving School!

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