My three kids have some things in common. All three are high energy, athletic and smart. All three were born at the same hospital, delivered by the same doctor, and came home to the same house. That's about where the similarities end. Today I give you three toally unrelated items from the kids' lives:
Erin has been running the mile for track and field this spring. This afternoon she ran a personal best of 6:29, breaking that six-and-a-half minute mark for the first time. Her legs are like tree trunks. She is so strong and fast, I don't think I could catch her in a race.
Drew, Kelsey and I went to Walgreen's to get birthday cards for Baird's birthday tomorrow. Drew picked his out right away, then headed over to the toy aisle to wait for Kelsey and me. Here's the conversation that happened between Drew and me when I found him:
Drew: Mom, can you lend me a dollar so I can get this Bingo thing? It's only $9.99 and I'm a dollar short. You can pay me now for the chores I'll do on Friday.
Me: No. You need to wait until you have the money in hand before you make the purchase.
Drew: But Mom! Friday's almost a whole week away! And by then I won't want it anymore!
It was Kelsey's job this evening to make the frosting for Baird's birthday cake. As she was scraping the last of the Crisco into the mixing bowl, she asked, "What does Crisco taste like?"
"It's really not very good," I replied. "It's a little like straight butter but more tasteless."
Kelsey drug her finger across the bottom of the measuring cup to get a bit of Crisco to taste. She put it in her mouth and promptly made a face. "Ew. That's really gross. I'm going to suck on a clove of garlic to get rid of that awful Crisco taste."
Alrighty then.
Japan :: Day 03
2 hours ago
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