Thursday, October 21, 2010

Double Dipping on the Volunteer Front

I must admit, I love everything about Irving School.  I love the dedication of the teachers.  I love our principal.  I love working side-by-side with good friends for a worthy cause.  Today I volunteered for two separate events at Irving:  the annual soup and chili luncheon for the staff, and the book fair.  Both events were run by good friends with whom I truly enjoy working, so even tho it made for a hectic day, I enjoyed double dipping on the volunteer front.

The day started off with Erin's parent-teacher conference at 7:30 this morning (she's doing really well, big surprise).  Then I dashed home to put the final touches on my potato soup with herbs for the annual soup and chili luncheon, took it over to the school, helped with set up, then bailed right as the teachers were coming in so I could take my shift helping with the Irving School book fair.  My shift with the book fair ended right about the time the teachers finished eating, so I hustled back upstairs to the teacher's lounge to help with clean up.

With all that running around, I neglected to grab my camera this morning as I left the house, but Mel caught these great shots with hers:

Working on the soup and chili luncheon reminds me yet again that many hands make light work.  Seven soups, four types of bread, a giant salad with two kinds of homemade dressing, and enough desserts to last the teachers well into the evening, make for a fabulous luncheon, don't you think?

As if all this wasn't enough, Drew's conference was this evening (he's doing well academically but needs to control his talking, big surprise), and afterwards we enjoyed a late, casual dinner with Hanns at the Ale House.

Crazy busy but crazy fun.  I wouldn't trade this for anything!

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't trade having you as a part of the Staff Appreciation committee for anything!!!
