Saturday, December 4, 2010

Reconnecting with Old Friends

In our life before children, Baird and I hosted a Christmas dinner party at our house every December.  Kirk & Cassie and Peter & Sheri were part of a group we hosted back in the day.  Peter and Kirk are some of Baird's oldest friends:  Baird met Peter at the bus stop while they were both in high school; he and Kirk met in college and had a morning radio program at NIU.  Peter and Kirk were both groomsmen when Baird and I got married.  In fact, that's where Peter & Sheri met Kirk & Cassie, and they hit it off so well they spent the entire weekend we got married hanging out together, traveling back to Chicagoland from Iowa while Baird and I headed to Barbados for our honeymoon.

It's been more than a decade since we've all been together.  Tonight we had the privilege of hosting a casual dinner at our house.  I just served chili and hot dogs, since this walking pneumonia thing has sucked the entertaining energy right out of my body.  Peter remarked that the last time they were over for a Christmas dinner party, I'd served macademia-encrusted roast rack of lamb.  I know, chili's a far cry from rack of lamb!  I've promised them it won't be another ten years before our next party, and that next time, it'll be more than just chili.  Still, this reunion couldn't wait a minute longer, and I'm so glad we went ahead with it!

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