Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Just after 4:00 this morning, Drew came pattering into our room.  "Mom," he said, in somewhat of a panic.  "I think there was an earth quake."  I tried to bring myself out of the fog of sleep long enough to tell him, "It's probably just the snow plow.  But if you're worried you can sleep here."
You should know that the snow plows in Oak Park sometimes rumble so loudly and with such force that our house shakes when they go barreling by.  Since we've had a foot of snow over the past 36 hours, the snow plow seemed like a reasonable explanation.

So imagine my surprise when I got up a couple of hours later to hear that yes indeed, there was a 4.3 earth quake out in Sycamore, about 50 miles from our house.  That marks the third earth quake in this area since I moved here in 1986.  Drew was a bit smug and felt vindicated as he left for school this morning.

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